MP Board 10th English Unseen Passage Solution

MP Board 10th English Unseen Passage Solution : Students can Practice with MP Board 10th English Unseen Passage Solution given in the Question Bank prescribed by DPI. Here are Many Unseen Passages with Questions which are MCQs. This MP Board 10th English Unseen Passage Solution give the perfect help to students for their exam specially for English Question Paper Section A.

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Instructions- Read the following passages and answer the questions given below them.

Unseen Passage – 1

You must have heard the name of Red Cross. The Red Cross Society is an international organization. Its aim is very noble. It helps the mankind suffering from disasters like earthquake, flood and famine. It helps the sick and the wounded during wars. It helps without any consideration of nationality, creed or colour. Sir Henri Dunant founded the Red Cross Society in 1863 in Switzerland. In 1920 the Indian Red Cross Society was formed. To inculcate the spirit of Red Cross in students, junior Red Cross was started. Students under 16 can be enrolled in junior Red Cross (J.R.C.). The motto of J.R.C. is ‘I serve’. Its main objectives are Health, service and Friendship. The teacher in charge of J.R.C. is called the Counsellor. The students as members of junior Red Cross work under the guidance if their counsellor in the service of human beings who need care and support.

MP Board 10th English Unseen Passage 1

1 / 5

Red Cross Society is an

2 / 5

Who founded the Red Cross Society?

3 / 5

When did Red Cross Society found?

4 / 5

When did Indian Red Cross Society form?

5 / 5

The teacher in charge of J.R.C. is known as...

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Unseen Passage – 2

Emperor Ashoka was one of the earliest Indian monarchs who planted shady trees on roads and in public places. The Moghuls, too, realized the necessity of shade on the roads which the constructed. But there was no conscious planning; and the peepal, banyan and pakur trees were indiscriminately mixed with neems, tamarinds and mahuas. It was only in Kashmir that they showed some preference for planning and planted magnificent avenues of chinar along the banks of the river Jhelum, which can be seen at their best at Gandhadbp and Matam on the way to Pahalgam.
A plantation plan for our national, state and district highways is urgently needed. At present, our roads are planted by the P.W.D. engineers who are ignorant of trees. Ultimately, the planting of new trees and replacement of dead trees is left to gardeners alone who plant any tree which comes handy. The result has been unfortunate, and our roadside avenues have become a mixture of odd trees.

MP Board 10th English Unseen Passage 2

Solve All the Questions with MCQs

1 / 5

Who planted shady trees?

2 / 5

The Moghuls planted the magnificent avenues of Chinar in...

3 / 5

Who was Ashoka?

4 / 5

Which plants were planted along the bank of river Jhelum?

5 / 5

At present our roads are planted by...

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The average score is 65%


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