MP Board 11th Blueprint 2024-25 pdf Download :- In the article, we will discuss the MP Board Blueprint for the academic session 2024-25. This blueprint serves as a comprehensive guide for students appearing for the MP Board 11th Class Exam. It provides important information regarding the exam pattern, marking scheme, and weightage of each subject. To access the detailed blueprint, students can easily download the PDF file from the official MP Board website Vimarsh Portal and MPBSE

MP Board Blueprint 2024-25 pdf Download: Scoring Scheme
The blueprint provides valuable information for the MP Board 11th Class Exam for the session 2024-25. In this article, we will provide information on the MP Board 11th Class Exam for the session 2024-25. We will focus specifically on the subject mentioned in the attached article. To access the MP Board Blueprint 2024-25 pdf, please download the file attached. The blueprint contains important details for the MP Board 11th Class Exam in the session 2024-25.
Streams for MP Board 11th Blueprint 2024-25 Pdf Download
MP Board Blueprint 2024-25 pdf for class 11th cover all streams with different links available for each. At the higher secondary level students start specializing in streams. The main streams at this level are:
- Mathematics Stream
- Biology Stream
- Agriculture Stream
- Commerce Stream
- Arts Stream
- Home Science Stream
- Other Vocational Courses
Each stream has a separate syllabus available for the entire session. This includes monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annual exam syllabi as well as the complete syllabus for current project processes. The syllabus is also aligned with the new perspectives of the 21st century, NCF 2005 and NEP 2020. The new creativity content named CCLE is also included.
Subjects for MP Board 11th Blueprint 2024-25 Pdf Download
- हिन्दी Hindi
- अंग्रेजी English
- संस्कृत Sanskrut
- उर्दू Urdu
- मराठी Marathi
- भौतिक Physics
- रसायन Chemistry
- गणित Mathematics
- जीव विज्ञान Biology
- कृषि विज्ञान के मूल तत्व
- फसल उत्पादन
- पशुपालन
- बहीखाता Accountancy
- व्यावसायिक अध्ययन Business Study
- अर्थशास्त्र Economics
- इन्फॉर्मैटिक्स प्रैक्टिस
- इतिहास History
- राजनीति विज्ञान Political Science
- समाज शास्त्र Sociology
- मनोविज्ञान Psychology
- भूगोल Geography
- कृषि विज्ञान के मूल तत्त्व
- कृषि Agriculture (कला समूह )
- गृह विज्ञान, एनाटोमी (कला समूह )
- भारतीय और विश्व कला का इतिहास
- ड्रॉइंग एण्ड पेंटिंग
- still लाइफ एण्ड डिज़ाइनिंग
- ड्रॉइंग एण्ड डिज़ाइनिंग
- भारतीय संगीत (गायन वादन )
- भारतीय संगीत (तबला पखावज)
- फिज़िकल एजुकेशन
MP Board 11th Blueprint 2024-25 Pdf Download Link
Subject | डाउनलोड लिंक |
1. हिन्दी Hindi | MP Board 11th Hindi Blueprint 2024-25 pdf Download |
2. अंग्रेजी English | MP Board 11th English Blueprint 2024-25 pdf Download |
3. संस्कृत Sanskrut | MP Board 11th Sanskrut Blueprint 2024-25 pdf Download |
4. उर्दू Urdu | MP Board 11th Urdu Blueprint 2024-25 pdf Download |
5. मराठी Marathi | MP Board 11th Marathi Blueprint 2024-25 pdf Download |
1. भौतिक Physics | MP Board 11th Physics Blueprint 2024-25 pdf Download |
2. रसायन Chemistry | MP Board 11th Chemistry Blueprint 2024-25 pdf Download |
3. गणित Mathematics | MP Board 11th Mathematics Blueprint 2024-25 pdf Download |
3. जीव विज्ञान Biology | MP Board 11th Biology Blueprint 2024-25 pdf Download |
1. कृषि विज्ञान के मूल तत्व | MP Board 11th Agriculture Maths & Science Blueprint 2024-25 |
2. फसल उत्पादन | MP Board 11th Crop Production & Horticulture Blueprint 2024-25 |
3. पशुपालन | MP Board 11th Animal Husbandry Blueprint 2024-25 |
1. बहीखाता Accountancy | MP Board 11th Accountancy Blueprint 2024-25 |
2. व्यावसायिक अध्ययन Business Study | MP Board 11th Business Study Blueprint 2024-25 |
3. अर्थशास्त्र Economics | MP Board 11th Economics (Art-Commerce) Blueprint 2024-25 |
1. इन्फॉर्मैटिक्स प्रैक्टिस | MP Board 11th Informatics Practices Blueprint 2024-25 |
2. इतिहास History | MP Board 11th History Blueprint 2024-25 |
3. राजनीति विज्ञान Political Science | MP Board 11th Political Science Blueprint 2024-25 |
4. समाज शास्त्र Sociology | MP Board 11th Sociology Blueprint 2024-25 |
5. मनोविज्ञान Psychology | MP Board 11th Psychology Blueprint 2024-25 |
6. भूगोल Geography | MP Board 11th Geography Blueprint 2024-25 |
7. कृषि विज्ञान के मूल तत्त्व | MP Board 11th Agriculture Maths & Science Blueprint 2024-25 |
8. कृषि Agriculture (कला समूह ) | MP Board 11th Agriculture (Art Group) Blueprint 2024-25 |
9. गृह विज्ञान, एनाटोमी (कला समूह ) | MP Board 11th Home Science, Anatomy, Physiology & Hygene (Art Group) Blueprint 2024-25 |
10. भारतीय और विश्व कला का इतिहास | MP Board 11th History of Indian and World Art Blueprint 2024-25 |
11. ड्रॉइंग एण्ड पेंटिंग | MP Board 11th Drawing & Painting Blueprint 2024-25 |
12. still लाइफ एण्ड डिज़ाइनिंग | MP Board 11th Still Life & Design Blueprint 2024-25 |
13. ड्रॉइंग एण्ड डिज़ाइनिंग | MP Board 11th Drawing & Designing Blueprint 2024-25 |
14. भारतीय संगीत (गायन वादन ) | MP Board 11th Indian Music (Singin-Playing) Blueprint 2024-25 |
15. भारतीय संगीत (तबला पखावज) | MP Board 11th Indian Music Playing (Tabla-Pakhwaj) Blueprint 2024-25 |
16. फिज़िकल एजुकेशन | MP Board 11th Physical Education Blueprint 2024-25 |